I sell a bunch of quality accessories, but I don't have a web store. Crazy, huh?
Well, these accessories I sell - apart from rosin - all need to be carefully fitted to your instrument. So, you'll just have to come to me :-)
Krentz Wolf Modulator
This is a fantastic new addition to our arsenal of wolf killers. It works using an ingenious magnetic pump resonator mounted inside your bass with more strong magnets.
OK so it sounds like woo ... but it works! It's not cheap, but the effect is almost instant and extremely effective. Come and try it on your bass!
We also have the excellent LUPX string weights for wolf control and additional toys to help you tame that nasty WOOWOOWOOWOOO :-)
"Anima Nova" Carbon Fibre Adjustable Sound Post
The position and fit of your soundpost is one of the most critical adjustments you can make in a double bass. Traditionally, luthiers have fit soundposts made of spruce, and trimmed them to fit in different positions and different tensions to respond to changes in humidity and instrument response.
Adjustable soundposts are now becoming more and more popular, and so I am happy to partner with Anima Nova as Australian reseller and installer of these high-end carbon-fibre soundposts that allow fine adjustments never before available.
Players report quicker response under the bow and more centered, focused sound, increased resonance and an unparalleled ability to fine tune the instrument's sound in changing environments.
The Anima Nova sound post is not cheap, but if your double bass is your principle tool of trade, an investment in this innovation might well be a game changer for you.
I offer a money-back guarantee if you do not like the result after a two week trial period.
Angled endpin
This endpin style was originally designed by Christian Laborie in collaboration with Francois Rabbath, and is designed to alter the angle and center of gravity of your instrument whilst playing, bringing the top table and strings closer to the player, and removing the need for the player to support the weight of the instrument with the left hand. Many players find this endpin significantly improves the ergonomics of their instrument, and this translates into better performance and sound.
A select wooden or carbon fibre endpin is fitted to a hole drilled into the endblock of your bass at a particular angle. Drilling a hole in your endpin block does not damage or affect the value of your instrument. Also available an adjustable-length model, and unique hand-carved hardwood endpins for an extra-solid experience. Thousands of bassists worldwide are using this system. Come and try a bass with an angled endpin and feel the difference!
Perfection Pegs for Cello
Perfection pegs are the world’s best tuning peg for cello, and are available with ebony, rosewood or ABS heads, in Swiss and Hill styles.
These pegs work in much the same way as a conventional peg, but more accurately and reliably. Turning the head of a Perfection peg tunes the string sharp or flat, with no need for fine tuners on the tailpiece. When a string is tuned to pitch, a variable-friction brake holds the gears in position against the tension of the string, with no slipping or jamming. Accurate, strong, smooth action. Stable under all conditions.
Perfection pegs have a standard taper and fit in the same holes as standard wooden friction pegs. They have the same shape, weight and taper as a set of good ebony pegs. The pegs must be installed by a luthier.
Talk to me about how to pimp your pegs to Perfection!
Perfection Pegs are assembled to order in Australia.
Wiedoeft Rosin exclusively here at Bresque Basses!
Wiedoeft Bass Rosin has been revived after nearly 6 decades with an improved recipe for a powerful smooth tone & long-lasting application. Unique flexible silicone packaging rolls down for neat rosining. Made in the USA and shipped to Bresque Basses in small batches to ensure freshness. In Australia, only available from Bresque Basses!
Of course, we also stock Pops, Nymans and Pirastro, and a range of cello rosin including Wiedoeft and Kolstein.
Contact me to order Rosin
Hipshot* Freerange Extenders. Use these on any string to instantly drop your open string by up to 5 semitones.
Great for scordatura variations or that quick low D.
Spikeboards made in our workshop. Stops your endpin sliding when seated, protects floors from damage
Other Stuff ...
And of course, we have a bunch of other things like endpins, tailpieces, stools, stands, stoppers, spikes, tuners, mutes, cello pegs, bow cases, BOWS ... etc etc